Norman Neal

  • What Mistakes Could You Be Making With Your Homeowner's Insurance?

    Having the right amount of homeowner's insurance is important. Unfortunately, some people make mistakes when selecting their insurance that results in them not having enough coverage or overpaying for what they have. If you are searching for a new policy, here are some mistakes you should avoid committing.   Forgetting Your Upgrades  Upgrades to your home can add to its value. If you forget to update your homeowner's insurance, you could miss out on receiving the correct value to replace those items in the event that there is damage to your home.
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  • Why Pleasure Drivers Pay Lower Rates On Car Insurance

    Insurance companies base auto insurance rates on risk levels, and they take many factors into consideration when calculating quotes for drivers. One factor they consider is how a person uses his or her vehicle. If the person commutes to work, he or she is likely to pay more than a person would pay if he or she drove only for pleasure. People who use their cars for pleasure will pay less for insurance, and here are a few things to understand about this:
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